It might feel like centuries ago, but can you remember what motivated you to choose your degree? Maybe you come from a long line of doctors and so medicine was the obvious choice. Perhaps your fascination with the great Renaissance artists incited...
Curriculo Solutions | Blog
Karen Glen
Recent Posts
Career planning: The most popular career paths for graduates today
The future of education and technology over the next ten years
We’ve explored the interplay between education and technology in our previous blog article about how students today differ from those of 30 years ago. The ubiquity of, and easy access to, information has created a shift in how education is valued...
The future of global university funding and what this means for your institution
They might not be perceived as such (although this is changing), but universities are businesses and, like businesses, require a healthy cash flow in order to operate and provide education services. As such, funding is a constant concern for...
Preparation for working life: How to get your students to take an interest in their careers
Secondary education has, in some cases, remained virtually unchanged in format for over a hundred years. Buildings might have been rebuilt, classrooms upgraded with technological gadgets and assignments completed on laptops instead of in exercise...
Leading curriculum change: What will be the most popular degrees of the future?
The world is undergoing immense technological, economic, social and environmental changes that are causing major disruption to the job market (as we expand on in our previous blog about the future of the job market). Positions that have lasted...
Entrepreneurship or employment skills: Which should your university prioritise?
Tertiary education around the world is evolving from being solely a means of imparting knowledge about core disciplines to a platform on which students prepare for strong careers. As such, the required skills (both technical and transferable) that...
Why institutional reputation matters and its implication for talent acquisition
There are few instances when reputation doesn’t play a key role in the success of an organisation or individual, be that in business, the media or education. Reputation impacts how stakeholders perceive an institution, which has significant knock-on...
Career Planning: What goes into crafting a killer career plan
Whether you’re naturally inclined to plan or not, career planning is something that you need to get to grips with if you want to forge a successful and fulfilling career.You have the potential to add serious value to the world (be that on a local or...
The importance of graduate mentorship programmes for students
For students, preparing for professional life after university requires just as much focus and drive as completing the technical aspects of a degree. Entering the job market is no mean feat: not only are increasing numbers of highly skilled...
Student psychology: How to impart exam motivation on students
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink: the same might apply when it comes to motivating students to study hard before exams.As a teacher, you can do everything in your power to ensure that your pupils understand their subjects...